Oxfordshire Foster Carers Association

Grant Recipient in 2024

Project funded by the Powerhouse Grant - Grant low/medium and project now completed

To provide laptops for young people in Didcot in foster care to use for communicating with family, homework, applying for apprenticeships and learning life skills.

Feedback received from the recipients

“The Laptop we have been gifted has been wonderful for my boy. Being nonverbal and having the ability to communicate independently is such an important skill to have. By using the laptop my boy has joined The Makaton Society and regularly engages with their sign of the week. He now has 73 signs that he uses in context. It’s been a total Game changer.”

“Getting this LT (laptop) is awesome. I've never actually owned something myself”

 “I've just applied for college on this laptop”

 “This is letting me keep in contact with siblings in other houses”

Impact achieved:

  • Inclusion and communication for young people in foster care was the main impact.  

  • We were able to provide 35 laptops to young people.


Reducing the Risk of Domestic Abuse


Oxford Parent Infant Project (OXPIP)